Sarah Steffens
Marketing Coordinator and Group Sales
Planning a wedding, business meeting, or team event in Southwest Michigan? Contact Sarah Steffens for help with venues, activities, and accommodations. With over 15 years of experience working with tourists, Sarah excels at making visitors' experiences memorable and values their feedback, using it to enhance the region's appeal.
Active in her home community, she serves as president of South Haven’s Black River Lions Club and zone chairperson for the Lions of Michigan District 11-B2.
Favorite things to do while in Southwest Michigan
As a photographer and artist, Sarah always looks for beautiful places to recommend in the area. She encourages visitors to explore:
Anywhere you can walk or sit along Lake Michigan, especially at sunset. Southwest Michigan’s beaches and bluff overlooks offer stunning views.
Areas you can take time to appreciate the raw, natural beauty of Southwest Michigan. The simplicity of just being on our trails, beaches and preserves is something a lot of people crave. It takes away a lot of stress.
Fun fact
Drop by the Visitor Center to learn more about the area. The dog that greets you is Sarah’s.
How to connect